Plan general para la ordenación y el crecimiento de Ordicia
Ordiziaren hazkuntza eta antolamenduarako plan orokorra
General plan for the expansion of Ordizia
General plan for the expansion of Ordizia
Uso principal / Erabilera nagusia / Main use: Sectores residenciales / Sektore erresidentzialak / Residential areas
Lugar / Tokia / Location: Ordizia , Gipuzkoa (Spain)
Año / Urtea / Year: 2009
Colaboradores / Kideak / Co-workers: Kristina Aranburu, Maider Borde, Maitane Oses
ambos sectores los equipamientos de carácter más público se colocan en lados
opuestos de las vías principales, para generar un flujo de personas, además de
ofrecer a dichos equipamientos parcelas junto al parque. Los que necesitan más
privacidad aprovechan las parcelas alejadas y más irregulares. Siguiendo las
normativas, se distribuyen los usos según las superficies designadas.
Hoy en día hay edificaciones en éste terreno, pero
son pequeños talleres y pabellones, muchos sin uso. Es necesario rellenar el
terreno para que el nivel permita soterrar el tren, pero es posible hacerlo sin
crear grandes pendientes hacia el río. Así, pasando por debajo de la autopista,
se puede recuperar la relación con el río. Se creará un parque y un recorrido
para bicicletas, como ya se había dicho.
Esta propuesta trata de ofrecer una alternativa al
plan general de Ordicia, un pueblo de Guipúzcoa a 39 kilómetros de San
Sebastián, la capital. Se analiza la situación del municipio, teniendo en
cuenta la relación con Lazkao y Beasain (pueblos muy cercanos al suroeste y al
oeste, respectivamente), con las vías de transporte y con la naturaleza de
alrededor. Así se identifican las zonas para el crecimiento del pueblo.
Proposamena Ordiziaren plan orokorraren beste alternatiba da. Gipuzkoaren herri bat da, Donostiatik (hiriburuatik) 39 kilometrora. Udalerriaren egoera aztertzen da, eta kontuan hartzen dira garraiobideak, inguruko natura eta Lazkao eta Beasainekin duen erlazioa (bi herri hauek oso hurbil daude, hego-mendebaldera eta mendebaldera hurrenez hurren). Horren arabera erabakiko dira zeintzuk izango diren herriaren hazkuntza ahalbidetuko duten sektoreak.
This is an alternative plan for Ordicia, a town
situated in Guipuzcoa (Spain), at 39 kilometres of San Sebastian, the capital
of the province. The work started with the analysis of this town, the
neighbouring ones (Beasain and Lazkao), the areas with nature value, and the transport
routes. After that, the areas for expansion were identified.
Al sur del municipio se encuentra el parque natural de Oiangu, subiendo el monte. Esto quiere decir que, tras la zona industrial, no se puede edificar. Al norte, por el contrario, se encuentra otra zona natural, pero sin interés especial. Aún y todo, a partir de cierta altura la pendiente dificulta mucho el crecimiento del pueblo. Queda un terreno libre y relativamente plano al noreste, donde actualmente hay unos pequeños caseríos y un pequeño cementerio. Es una buena posibilidad, aunque está un tanto alejada del centro.
Herriaren hegoaldean Oiangu parke naturala dago, mendian gora. Hau da, industria-gunea igarota ezin da eraiki. Iparraldean, aldiz, naturaren aldetik interes berezia ez duen eremu librea dago. Horrek malda garrantzitsua dauka maila batetik aurrera, eta herriaren hazkuntza zailtzen du. Dena dela, ipar-ekialdean eremu libre eta zeharo laua dago, baserri gutxi batzuekin eta hilerritxoarekin. Herriaren erdialdetik zeharo urrun dago, baina, aukera ona da.
The nature conservation area Oiangu is located at
the south of the town, going up the mountain. Consequently, there is no space
left to expand the city, as industry is built in the little free area. The
grounds at the north don’t have much ecological value, but they are quite
steep, so they are quite difficult to be built. That’s why, regarding open
areas for the town expansion, the best is the one at the northeast, where,
nowadays, a small graveyard and few farmhouses are found. Nevertheless, it is a
bit far from the town centre.
vías de transporte son el mayor condicionante del municipio. Tanto la autopista
como el tren llegan paralelos desde el noreste, atraviesan por la mitad muchos
terrenos, y pasan sobre el río Oria hasta cuatro veces. Se separan al sur del
centro del pueblo cuando el tren se dirige a la estación, y luego éste rodea el
montículo al oeste para ir hacia Beasain.
Garraiobideak dira baldintza gogorrena udalerriarentzat. Trena eta autopista ipar-ekialdetik iristen dira, biak ia paraleloak, eta eremu asko erditik mozten dituzte. Gainera, Oria ibaia lau aldiz zeharkatzen dute. Herriaren hegoaldean banatzen dira, trenbidea herriko geltokira iris dadin, eta gero trena mendebaldeko mendixka inguratzen du Beasainera iristeko.
The transport roads are the biggest obstacle for the expansion. Both the highway and the train come together from the northeast, run through the middle of many areas, and cross over the river four times. They separate from each other at the south of the town: the train enters (because there is a station) and then surrounds the small mountain at the west whereas the highway crosses that mountain with a tunnel. Both continue to Beasain.
The transport roads are the biggest obstacle for the expansion. Both the highway and the train come together from the northeast, run through the middle of many areas, and cross over the river four times. They separate from each other at the south of the town: the train enters (because there is a station) and then surrounds the small mountain at the west whereas the highway crosses that mountain with a tunnel. Both continue to Beasain.
proponen dos actuaciones importantes sobre las vías de transporte, que
permitirán crear sectores apropiados para la edificación residencial. Por un
lado, se cava un túnel que permite a los dos tipos de transporte llegar a
través de la pequeña montaña al noreste. Así se despeja mucho terreno, además
de mejorar la calidad de vida de una buena parte del pueblo, por haber alejado
una importante fuente de ruido y malestar. Por otro lado, con una ligera
pendiente se baja el nivel del tren, haciendo que gran parte del tramo que
discurre junto al centro del municipio quede soterrado. Por medio de rellenos y vaciados, se crea un
sector de poca pendiente que pasa por encima del tren, y pasa por debajo de la
autopista hacia el río.
Bi aldaketa nagusi proposatzen dira garraiobideetan eraikitzeko aproposak diren sektoreak lortzeko. Alde batetik, tunel bat irekitzen da ipar-ekialdeko mendixkan, eta, horrela, autopistak eta trenbideak ez dituzte zeharkatuko herriaren eremu asko. Gainera, zarata-sortzaileak herritik urrunduko dira. Bestetik, malda txikiarekin trenbidea herrian sartuko da, eta lur azpian egongo da tramu handi bat. Hori dela eta, lurraren maila prestatuko da herriaren alde zaharretik ibaira zuzenean iristeko, malda gutxirekin. Autopistaren azpitik izango da, nola ez.
There will be two big changes in the transport routes, which will allow the creation of two residential areas. First: a new tunnel will be excavated in the mountain at the northeast, so the highway and the train won’t cross the grounds at the north and northeast of the town, and lots of flats won’t have to suffer the noise from them. Second: after coming close to the town and crossing the river at the south, the train will descend, so it will be underground for some hundred metres. That will allow direct communication between the town and the new area at the south (which will reach the river passing under the highway) of the train and a remarkable reduction of noise.
There will be two big changes in the transport routes, which will allow the creation of two residential areas. First: a new tunnel will be excavated in the mountain at the northeast, so the highway and the train won’t cross the grounds at the north and northeast of the town, and lots of flats won’t have to suffer the noise from them. Second: after coming close to the town and crossing the river at the south, the train will descend, so it will be underground for some hundred metres. That will allow direct communication between the town and the new area at the south (which will reach the river passing under the highway) of the train and a remarkable reduction of noise.
Siguiendo la propuesta de adaptar las vías de
transporte, en el noreste tenemos dos sectores nuevos para el crecimiento del
pueblo: uno al este y otro al oeste de la carretera que, desde el centro del
municipio, atraviesa ese terreno para ir hacia el norte, al siguiente pueblo.
En lo que respecta a la prioridad de edificación, tienen más interés los
sectores al sur del pueblo. Entre estos dos del norte, tiene prioridad el del
Garraiobideen proposamena aurrera eramaten bada, ipar-ekialdean bi sektore egongo dira herriaren hedapenerako. Biak banatzen ditu errepide batek: udalerriaren erdialdetik dator, eremua zeharkatzen du, eta iparraldera doa, hurrengo herrira. Hazkuntza-lehentasunari dagokionez, interes handiagoa dute hegoaldeko sektoreek. iparraldekoen artean, ekialderago dagoenak lehentasuna dauka.
As a result of the changes in the transport routes, two more areas for the town’s expansion have been created; one at the west and the other at the east. Both are connected with the main road of the town, the one that goes from west to north and communicates with other towns. Nevertheless, the most interesting areas are the ones at the south. On another note, comparing the areas at the north, the one more at the east is more interesting.
As a result of the changes in the transport routes, two more areas for the town’s expansion have been created; one at the west and the other at the east. Both are connected with the main road of the town, the one that goes from west to north and communicates with other towns. Nevertheless, the most interesting areas are the ones at the south. On another note, comparing the areas at the north, the one more at the east is more interesting.
Plano de ordenación del sector noreste / Ipar-ekialdeko sektoreko antolamenduaren planoa / Layout of the north-east area
Los sectores están limitados por el río y el monte
a sus lados, además de un riachuelo al norte, que coincide con el límite
municipal. Al haber apartado el tren y la autopista, se restablece la relación
con el río. Por ello, es muy importante la relación, y se opta por crear
parques y un recorrido con camino de bicis junto a él. El camino continuará a
lo largo del municipio, pudiendo extenderse hacia otros.
Elementu hauek mugatzen dute sektorea: mendia, ibaia, eta iparraldean errekatxo bat (udalerriaren muga dena). Trena eta autopista mugitu dira, eta ibaiarekiko erlazioa berreskuratu da. Hori oso garrantzitsua kontsideratzen da eta, horregatik, parkea eta bidegorria prestatuko dira ibai alboan herri osoan zehar. Bidegorria beste herrietara luzatzea aukera bat da.
All those areas are limited by the river and, in some cases, a mountain. After all, the changes in the transport routes have allowed the restoration of the riverside, which had been ill-treated because of them. That is why the riverside will be restored as a park and a bicycle road, which will run across the town, and will continue to other towns.
All those areas are limited by the river and, in some cases, a mountain. After all, the changes in the transport routes have allowed the restoration of the riverside, which had been ill-treated because of them. That is why the riverside will be restored as a park and a bicycle road, which will run across the town, and will continue to other towns.
lo que respecta a su ordenación, no se busca una gran densidad y, debido a su
situación al límite del municipio, se opta por edificios de viviendas de
bloques, generalmente de planta baja residencial, con jardines entre edificios.
Así se relacionará mejor con el parque que se crea en la orilla del río.
Antolamenduari dagokionez, ez dira nahi dentsitate altuak, eta, mugan daudenez, etxebizitza-eraikinak bloke laukizuzenak izango dira. Horiek bizitegiak izango dituzte behe oinetan nagusiki, eta lorategiak eraikinen artean, batez ere ibaira hurbiltzean. Ibai alboko parkearekiko erlazioa oso garrantzitsua da.
Regarding the urban planning, there won’t be any area with high density buildings. As most of the areas are in the limits of the town and near the river, small housing blocks will be built, with residences in most of the ground floors and gardens between buildings. That will allow a better relation with the park in the riverside.
Regarding the urban planning, there won’t be any area with high density buildings. As most of the areas are in the limits of the town and near the river, small housing blocks will be built, with residences in most of the ground floors and gardens between buildings. That will allow a better relation with the park in the riverside.
se libra una buena porción de terreno al este del pueblo, que se terminará
siguiendo los ejes de ese barrio, pero relacionándolo con el río.
Herriaren ekialdean eremu handixe bat hustu da garraiobideak mugitzean. Hori osatzeko auzoaren ardatzak jarraituko dira, baina, batez ere, ibaiarekiko erlazioa kontuan hartuko da.
At the east of the town, a small area will be freed from the train and the highway. It will be built continuing the layout of that neighbourhood, but it will create a connexion with the river.
At the east of the town, a small area will be freed from the train and the highway. It will be built continuing the layout of that neighbourhood, but it will create a connexion with the river.
Sección tipo de una calle con carretera / Errepidea daukaten kaleen ebaketa tipoa / Standard section of a street witha car road
Sección tipo de calle peatonal entre viviendas
Etxebizitza-eraikinen arteko kale peatonalaren ebaketa tipoa
Standard section of a pedestrian street between buildings
En el terreno al suroeste, se sustituye una zona de pabellones industriales por un sector residencial. Esto es posible gracias a las
nuevas vías que comunican con el centro del pueblo que se construirán junto al
sector del sur. Por lo tanto, en orden de prioridad de edificación, el sector
sur es el primero, seguido de el del suroeste.
Hego-mendebaldeko eremuan dagoen pabilioi industriala erresidentzia-sektore batekin ordezkatuko da. Herriaren hegoaldeko sektoreak ahalbidetzen dituen bide berriei esker posible da hori. Beraz, eraikitzeko lehentasuna dauka alde zaharraren hegoaldekoa.
In the area at the west, there is only an abandoned industry building, and it will be replaced by flat blocks. That is possible thanks to the roads that will be built in the new area at the south, so there won’t be any problems to reach the centre of the town. Consequently, this area can only be built after the one at the south; in the order of priority, they are the first and the second.
In the area at the west, there is only an abandoned industry building, and it will be replaced by flat blocks. That is possible thanks to the roads that will be built in the new area at the south, so there won’t be any problems to reach the centre of the town. Consequently, this area can only be built after the one at the south; in the order of priority, they are the first and the second.
Plano de ordenación de los sectores sur y suoeste
Ipar-mendebaldeko sektoreko antolamenduaren planoa
Layout plan of the north-west area
Ipar-mendebaldeko sektoreko antolamenduaren planoa
Layout plan of the north-west area
ese último sector se construirán viviendas en bloque, en el terreno que se
consigue aplanando el lugar (vaciar de terreno el oeste hasta que la pendiente
lo permita, y rellenar un poco al acercarse al río). Aquí también se mantiene
la idea del parque en la orilla, y los edificios se colocarán perpendiculares a
él, permitiendo las vistas. Excepto los bloques más al oeste, los que se
encuentran donde empieza la pendiente.
Azkeneko sektore honetan ere bizitegi-bloke laukizuzenak eraikitzen dira. Eremua lautzen da horretarako: ibai-ertza pixka bat igotzen da, eta mendebaldeko mendixkaren magala husten da. Ondorioz, malda handia sortuko da magal horretan, sektorearen mugan. Ibai alboan parkearen proposamena mantentzen da, eta blokeak horrekiko elkarzut egongo dira, ikuspegiak ahalbidetzeko. Mendebaldeko mugakoak dira salbuespena, malda dela eta.
The buildings that are going to be built (in this area at the west) are small blocks, and, for them, the ground has to be levelled: the west will be excavated as long as the ground isn’t too steep, and the east (that is, the riverside) will be elevated a bit. There will be a park along the river, and the layout of this area will be deeply related to that: the buildings will be perpendicular to the park, so it will always be visible from almost anywhere. Only the buildings at the start of the steep ground won’t be like the others; after all, they mark the end of the town.
The buildings that are going to be built (in this area at the west) are small blocks, and, for them, the ground has to be levelled: the west will be excavated as long as the ground isn’t too steep, and the east (that is, the riverside) will be elevated a bit. There will be a park along the river, and the layout of this area will be deeply related to that: the buildings will be perpendicular to the park, so it will always be visible from almost anywhere. Only the buildings at the start of the steep ground won’t be like the others; after all, they mark the end of the town.
Sección B / B ebaketa / B section
Bi sektoreetan ekipamenduak bide nagusien mugetan daude, pertsonen mugimendua sortzeko. Gainera, mugan egoteak partzelei parke albokoak izatea ahalbidetzen die. Pribatutasun gehiago behar dutenak urruntzen dira, eta partzela irregularrenak beteko dituzte. Araudiak betetzen dira, eta erabilerak azaleren arabera antolatzen dira.
In both areas (the south one and the west one) the public buildings are situated on opposing sides of the main roads, but they are easy to reach: the purpose is to make people go from one place to another, making the streets livelier, and to let the public buildings be near the park at the riverside. If those buildings need more privacy, they will be further away. Conversely, the surface areas are defined by law.
In both areas (the south one and the west one) the public buildings are situated on opposing sides of the main roads, but they are easy to reach: the purpose is to make people go from one place to another, making the streets livelier, and to let the public buildings be near the park at the riverside. If those buildings need more privacy, they will be further away. Conversely, the surface areas are defined by law.
sector al sur está directamente relacionado con la trama de la parte vieja del
pueblo. Sus condicionantes son las vías principales y la autopista. Las
primeras unen el sector con el del suroeste, permiten llegar a la autopista, y
forman un pequeño “boulevard” sobre las vías soterradas del tren. La autopista
se eleva sobre el parque y, debido al ruido que genera, aleja de ella a
cualquier residencia.
Hegoaldeko sektorea herriaren alde zaharraren tramarekin erlazionatzen da. Gainera, baldintza nagusiak autopistak eta bide nagusiek ezartzen dituzte. Bigarrenek sektore hau eta hego-mendebaldekoa erlazionatzen dute, autopistara iristea ahalbidetzen dute, eta “boulevard” txiki bat sortzen dute trenbidearen gainean. Autopista parkearen gainetik doa eta, sortzen duen zarata dela eta, bizitegiak urruntzen ditu.
The area at the south continues with the layout of the old town, but it also depends on the main roads and on the highway. The first ones connect the area and the town and allow people to reach the areas at the west and at the northeast quickly. The highway is over the park, surrounded by trees, and the housing buildings maintain some distance from it in order to not hear the noise.
The area at the south continues with the layout of the old town, but it also depends on the main roads and on the highway. The first ones connect the area and the town and allow people to reach the areas at the west and at the northeast quickly. The highway is over the park, surrounded by trees, and the housing buildings maintain some distance from it in order to not hear the noise.
Sección C / C ebaketa / C section
Gaur egun eremu horretan eraikinak daude, baina ia guztiak pabilioi eta tailer txikiak dira, eta asko ez dira erabiltzen. Eremua lurrarekin bete behar da trenbidea gainditzeko maila lortzeko: hau posiblea da, malda gutxirekin ibaira iristeko autopista azpitik (azken hori pixka bat igo behar da). Ibaiarekiko erlazioa berreskuratuko da, parkearekin eta bidegorriarekin.
Nowadays there are some small pavilions in the south area, but most of them aren’t being used right now or are in a bad state. Consequently, there won’t be much problems to prepare the grounds: it will have to be filled with soil to level it and to have the train underground. Nevertheless, there won’t be big slopes, and it will be possible to walk under the highway, reaching the riverside. Thanks to that, it will be possible to make a park there, with the above-mentioned cycling road.
Nowadays there are some small pavilions in the south area, but most of them aren’t being used right now or are in a bad state. Consequently, there won’t be much problems to prepare the grounds: it will have to be filled with soil to level it and to have the train underground. Nevertheless, there won’t be big slopes, and it will be possible to walk under the highway, reaching the riverside. Thanks to that, it will be possible to make a park there, with the above-mentioned cycling road.
Los equipamientos se distribuyen siguiendo la
misma lógica que en los demás sectores. La única diferencia es que se opta por
mantener una pequeña capilla como elemento del parque. Eso sí, para mejorar la
integración en el parque, la densidad será baja.
Ekipamenduak beste sektoreetan bezala antolatzen dira. Ezberdintasun bakarra dago: lehendik zegoen kaperatxoa mantenduko da, parkearen elementu gisa. Hori bai: parkearekiko erlazioa ona izateko, dentsitatea baxua izango da.
The public buildings are located following the same pattern as in the other areas. Even so, there is a big difference: one can find a small chapel there (which, nowadays, is surrounded by industry buildings), and it will be maintained and restored as a part of the park. Lastly, as this area is the smallest, the buildings will also be smaller and the total built-density will be lower than in the other areas.
The public buildings are located following the same pattern as in the other areas. Even so, there is a big difference: one can find a small chapel there (which, nowadays, is surrounded by industry buildings), and it will be maintained and restored as a part of the park. Lastly, as this area is the smallest, the buildings will also be smaller and the total built-density will be lower than in the other areas.
Tipologías D y E / E eta D tipologiak / E and D typologies
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