Nuevo ayuntamiento y mejora del paseo marítimo
Udaletxe berria eta hondartza alboko pasealekuaren hobekuntza
The new town hall and the improvement of seaside walk
The new town hall and the improvement of seaside walk
Lugar / Tokia / Location: Santoña, Cantabria
Año / Urtea / Year: 2009
Colaboradores / Kideak / Co-wokers: -
El objetivo de este
proyecto es crear un nuevo edificio que funcionará como ayuntamiento para la
localidad costera, a la vez que se mejora el paseo y los espacios junto a la
playa urbana. Además, se incluirá un espacio para poder colocar el mercadillo
Proiektu honen helburua da kostako
herriarentzat eraikin berria egitea,
udaletxe gisa lan egingo duena. Ez hori bakarrik: hondartzaren alboko espazioak
eta ibilbideak hobetuko dira ere. Gainera, azoka txiki bat antolatzeko gunea
prestatzen da.
The goal of the project is to design this seaside town’s new hall. Additionally, there will be improvements in the public areas near the beach; for example, a small space will be prepared for a weekly market.
The goal of the project is to design this seaside town’s new hall. Additionally, there will be improvements in the public areas near the beach; for example, a small space will be prepared for a weekly market.
Plano de situación en Santoña / Santoñan daukan kokapenaren planoa /Location plan, in Santoña
es un pueblo de Cantabria, cercano a Laredo, edificado bajo el monte de
Santoña. Cerca se encuentra el parque natural de las Marismas de Santoña y la
playa de Berria, de alto valor natural. Además del monte y las marismas, el
pueblo está limitado por el mar: al sur la playa y al oeste el puerto. La
parcela se encuentra junto a la plaza de toros, donde termina la playa y
empieza el puerto deportivo. Hoy en día es el principio del paseo marítimo.
Santoña Kantabriako herri bat da, Laredotik hurbil
aurkitzen dena, Santoña mendiaren magalean. Gertu balio natural handiko guneak
daude: Santoñako paduren parke naturala eta Berriako hondartza, besteak beste.
Bi horiekin batera, itsasoak mugatzen du herria: hegoaldean hondartza eta
mendebaldean portua daude. Partzelaren alboan zezen-plaza dago, hondartzaren
amaieraren eta kirol-portuaren artean. Gaur egun partzela itsas alboko
pasealekuaren hasiera da.
Santoña is a small town situated in Cantabria (Spain), near a mountain with the same name. Berria beach and Santoña’s marsh can be found in the vicinity, and both of them have great ecological value. The town is limited by the mountain, the marsh and the sea: there is a beach at the south and a small port at the west. The town’s bullring is near the project’s parcel, at the end of the beach and the start of the marina. Nowadays, that place is the start of the seaside walk.
Santoña is a small town situated in Cantabria (Spain), near a mountain with the same name. Berria beach and Santoña’s marsh can be found in the vicinity, and both of them have great ecological value. The town is limited by the mountain, the marsh and the sea: there is a beach at the south and a small port at the west. The town’s bullring is near the project’s parcel, at the end of the beach and the start of the marina. Nowadays, that place is the start of the seaside walk.
El entorno y la planta baja / Ingurua eta beheko oin-planta / The floor plan and the nearby area
primeras decisiones se centran en mejorar el paseo y buscar una buena
integración en el lugar: se crea junto a la plaza de toros un área que se
separa de la trama urbana, pero se mantienen los ejes para mantener una escala
correcta. También se crea un espacio público que dirige hacia el puerto el
paseo marítimo, y a su vez crea el lugar para el mercado.
Pasealekua hobetzea eta inguruan integratzea
dira lehenengo erabakiak. Horretarako, zezen-plazaren alboko partzela herriaren
tramatik banatuko da, baina kaleen ardatzak mantenduko dira erreferentzia gisa,
eskala mantentzeko. Hondartza alboko pasealekua eta portua lotzeko espazio publikoa
sortuko da,eta bertan merkatu txikiarentzat lekua prestatzen da.
These are the first decisions: improve the seaside walk and integrate the building in the town. For that, the area at the east of the bullring is separated from the town’s pattern, but it is still related to the proportion of the streets, in order to maintain an appropriate scale. Moreover, a public space is designed to redirect the seaside walk and to hold a small market every week.
These are the first decisions: improve the seaside walk and integrate the building in the town. For that, the area at the east of the bullring is separated from the town’s pattern, but it is still related to the proportion of the streets, in order to maintain an appropriate scale. Moreover, a public space is designed to redirect the seaside walk and to hold a small market every week.
Planta superior / Goiko oin-planta / Upper floor
Vista del paseo desde el este / Paseoaren ikuspegia ekialdetik / Viewpoint from the walkway, from the east
Se opta
por una forma triangular simple en planta, que protege el espacio público del
mar, y dirige los paseos a sus destinos. También se aprovecha el sótano del
edificio para tratar el borde de la playa, mejorando su acceso y ofreciéndole
servicios necesarios. La cubierta del edificio se encarga de definir los
límites y de crear un área protegida del clima, a la vez que permite al edificio
mirar hacia el pueblo.
Oin-plantarako triangelu sinplearen forma aukeratzen
da, espazio publikoa itsasotik babesteko, eta ibilbideak dagokien lekuetara
bideratzeko. Gainera, eraikinaren azpian aparkaleku-soto bat prestatzen da,
hondartzara irekitzen dena, eta azken horrek behar dituen zerbitzuak izango
ditu eta bere sarrerak hobetuko dira. Beste alde batetik, eraikinaren estalkiak
espazioen limiteak definitzen ditu eta eguralditik babestutako gunea sortzen du.
Gainera, eraikinak herrira begira egotea ahalbidetzen da.
The building’s floor plan is triangular: it protects the square from the strong winds, and redirects the seaside walk from the beach to the marina. Moreover, the building’s basement is used to improve the access to the beach and to give it the necessary services, such as a locker room and some restrooms. Lastly, the ceiling covers a part of the public space: it defines the different areas, protects some of them from the weather, and allows the building to look to the town.
The building’s floor plan is triangular: it protects the square from the strong winds, and redirects the seaside walk from the beach to the marina. Moreover, the building’s basement is used to improve the access to the beach and to give it the necessary services, such as a locker room and some restrooms. Lastly, the ceiling covers a part of the public space: it defines the different areas, protects some of them from the weather, and allows the building to look to the town.
Sección del norte al sur / Ebaketa iparraldetik hegora / Section from north to south
Vista desde la playa, desde el sureste / Ikuspegia hondartzatik, hego-ekialdetik / Viewpoint from the beach, at the south-east
programa se divide en tres partes. En la parte sur del edificio se encuentran
los despachos y las oficinas, en la parte oeste las salas de conferencias y
reuniones, y entre las dos partes la administración central y los espacios del
alcalde. Todos los espacios de circulación miran a la plaza, para que los
ciudadanos puedan ver lo que sucede en el ayuntamiento.
Programa hiru ataletan banatzen da. Eraikinaren
hegoaldean bulegoak eta langileen gelak daude, mendebaldean bilera- eta
hitzaldi-aretoak, eta tartean administrazio-nagusia eta alkatearentzako gelak.
Komunikazio-bide guztiek plazara begira daude, herrikoek eraikin barruan
gertatzen dena ikus dezaten.
The building is divided into three parts: at the south one can find the offices, the lecture and the meeting rooms at the west, and, between those areas, the mayor’s office and the civil service. Each and every one of the building’s hallways can be seen from the square in front of the town hall, so the citizens can see what is happening inside.
The building is divided into three parts: at the south one can find the offices, the lecture and the meeting rooms at the west, and, between those areas, the mayor’s office and the civil service. Each and every one of the building’s hallways can be seen from the square in front of the town hall, so the citizens can see what is happening inside.
Sección-perspectiva por la entrada, hacia el este
Perspektiba-ebaketa sarreratik, ekialdera
Section from the entrance, to the looking to the east
Vista desde el noreste, de noche / Ikuspegia ipar-ekialdetik, gauean / Viewpoint from the north-east, at night
En lo que
respecta a la construcción, se opta por un sistema de elementos prefabricados:
paneles en fachada, tabiques de pladur con especial atención al aislamiento
acústico, forjados mixtos… Merece especial atención el uso de una estructura
espacial de barras de acero para poder construir la cubierta, que protegerá la
plaza y la hará agradable incluso en días de lluvia.
Eraikuntzari dagokionez, elementu aurrefabrikatuak
erabiliko dira nagusiki: panelak fatxadan, akustikoki bereziki isolagarriak
diren pladurrezko tabikeak, forjatu mixtoak… Azpimarratzekoa da estalkiaren
eraikuntza ahalbidetzen duen metalezko egitura espaziala; plaza babestuko du,
atsegina izateko egun euritsuetan ere.
Regarding to the construction system, it is built with prefabricated parts: panels for the façades, prefabricated plasterboards for the partition walls (with great care to achieve proper acoustic insulation), mixed concrete and steel for the structure. The most characteristic element would be the special structure, which bears the ceiling, made with steel components: it protects the square in front of the building from the weather. That way, it can also be used in rainy days.
Regarding to the construction system, it is built with prefabricated parts: panels for the façades, prefabricated plasterboards for the partition walls (with great care to achieve proper acoustic insulation), mixed concrete and steel for the structure. The most characteristic element would be the special structure, which bears the ceiling, made with steel components: it protects the square in front of the building from the weather. That way, it can also be used in rainy days.
Fachada norte / Iparraldeko fatxada / North façade
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