Múltiples bloques de viviendas junto al parque Kristina-Enea
Hainbat etxebizitza-bloke Kristina-Enea parke alboan
Several residential buildings near Kristina Enea Park in San Sebastián (Spain)
Several residential buildings near Kristina Enea Park in San Sebastián (Spain)
Uso principal / Erabilera nagusia / Main use: Viviendas / Bizitegiak / Housing
Lugar / Tokia / Location: San Sebastián / Donostia , Gipuzkoa
Año / Urtea / Year: 2008
Colaboradores / Kideak / Co-workers: -
Éste es un proyecto de 84 viviendas, distribuidas
en bloques y situadas al sur del edificio Tabacalera de San Sebastián. Ése es
un edificio emblemático y conocido en la ciudad, que actualmente está en
proceso de rehabilitación. Éste proyecto continúa con la idea de mejorar el
lugar y, para ello, se propone derribar los almacenes y edificios antiguos que se encuentran al oeste de la calle
Mundaiz, y así crear viviendas y mejorar el área.

84 etxebizitza eraikitzeko proiektua da hau. Blokeetan banatu eta Tabacalera eraikinaren hegoaldean kokatuko dira, Donostian. Hori hiriaren eraikin ezagun eta esanguratsu bat da, eraberritze-prozesuan dagoena. Proiektuak tokiaren hobekuntzaren ideiarekin jarraitzen du eta, horretarako, zera proposatzen du: Mundaiz kalearen mendebaldean dauden biltegi eta eraikin zaharrak eraistea, bizitegiak eraikitzeko eta ingurua hobetzeko.
84 residences compose this project, and they are distributed in several blocks of flats situated at the south of Tabacalera, a well-known building of San Sebastian, which is currently undergoing restoration. Following the idea of renewal, this project proposes to demolish some old pavilions and workshops at the west of Mundaiz Street, and build residential buildings, in order to improve the area and restore the connection with the park at the east.
84 residences compose this project, and they are distributed in several blocks of flats situated at the south of Tabacalera, a well-known building of San Sebastian, which is currently undergoing restoration. Following the idea of renewal, this project proposes to demolish some old pavilions and workshops at the west of Mundaiz Street, and build residential buildings, in order to improve the area and restore the connection with the park at the east.
Plano de situación en San Sebastián / Donostiaren kokapenaren planoa / Location plan, San Sebastian
este de la mencionada calle se encuentra el parque Kristina-Enea: es el pulmón
verde del interior de la ciudad, una de las mejores zonas de paseo y relax. El
proyecto supone un lavado de la cara oeste del parque, actualmente limitado por
un muro y la calle. Al abrir el parque, éste se alarga hasta las vías del tren
y, a su vez, sus vistas se extienden hacia el río y la ciudad. El objetivo es
integrar las viviendas en la zona nueva del parque y, a su vez, ofrecer a dicho
parque los espacios que le faltan.
Adierazitako kalearen ekialdean Kristina-Enea parkea dago: hiri barruko gune berde nagusia da, eta lasai egoteko eta paseatzeko leku hoberenetarikoa. Proiektuak parkearen mendebaldearen izaera egokitzen du, gaur egun horma batekin eta kalearekin mugatuta dagoena. Behin irekia, parkea trenbideraino ailegatzen da eta, gainera, ikuspegia ibaira eta hirira hedatzen da. Helburua hau da: etxebizitzak parkearen gune berrian integratzea eta parkea osatzea.
At the east of that street you can find Kristina-Enea Park, the lung of San Sebastian, and the biggest green area inside the city. It is also a very enjoyable place to walk and relax. Thanks to the project, the park will get a new image at its west, which, nowadays, is limited due to a road for cars and a wall. Once that wall is removed, the park will be expanded up to the train rails, and, consequently, it will be possible to see the Urumea River and the city. Along with those changes in the area, the residential buildings will be integrated in the park, and new spaces will be built for it.
At the east of that street you can find Kristina-Enea Park, the lung of San Sebastian, and the biggest green area inside the city. It is also a very enjoyable place to walk and relax. Thanks to the project, the park will get a new image at its west, which, nowadays, is limited due to a road for cars and a wall. Once that wall is removed, the park will be expanded up to the train rails, and, consequently, it will be possible to see the Urumea River and the city. Along with those changes in the area, the residential buildings will be integrated in the park, and new spaces will be built for it.

Plano de situación (girado 90º contrarreloj) / Kokapen planoa (90º biratua erloju kontra)
/ Location plan /the north is to the left)
/ Location plan /the north is to the left)
84 viviendas se dividen 7 de una habitación (las cuales se encuentran en las
planta bajas), 28 de dos habitaciones y 49 de tres. Las condiciones del
proyecto son éstas: la altura máxima de los edificios no debe superar a la de
Tabacalera, éstos no deben ser muy densos, y la planta baja serán viviendas.
Alde batetik, 84 etxebizitzak horrela banatzen dira: 7 logela batekoak (behe-oinetan daudenak), 28 bi logelakoak, eta 49 hirukoak. Bestetik, proiektuaren baldintzak hauek dira: eraikinak ezin dira Tabacalera baino altuagoak izan, ez dira dentsoegiak izango, eta behe-oinak bizitegiekin egingo dira.
Those 84 residences are divided like this: 7 apartments (one-bedroom homes in the ground floor), 28 two-bedroom homes, and 49 with three. The project has more requirements: all building’s ground floors must be residences, there can’t be a block of flats taller than the Tabacalera (the building at the north), and the built density has to be low.
Those 84 residences are divided like this: 7 apartments (one-bedroom homes in the ground floor), 28 two-bedroom homes, and 49 with three. The project has more requirements: all building’s ground floors must be residences, there can’t be a block of flats taller than the Tabacalera (the building at the north), and the built density has to be low.
Planta baja y el entorno / Beheko oin-planta eta ingurua / Ground floor and the surroundings
Planta tipo (superior) / (Goiko) oin-planta tipoa / Standard upper floor
solución por la que se opta es la de dividir las viviendas de manera uniforme
en 7 edificios, y luego éstos se distribuyen por la zona. Tres de ellos entran en
la zona actual del parque, lo que implica el derribo de su muro límite, pero el
aumento de superficie del parque lo exige.
También se creará una abertura, una zona tipo plaza cerca de las vías
del tren, la cual estará abierta y asfaltada (es el único tipo de espacio que
le falta al parque), con vistas a la ciudad. Ése espacio se alza un metro del
suelo, y más aún del nivel de las vías, lo que permite asegurar las vistas.
Etxebizitzak 7 eraikinetan banatzen dira, eta tokian antolatzen dira pilatu gabe. Horietako hiru gaur eguneko parkearen eremuan sartzen dira eta, horregatik, ezinbestekoa da muga-horma eraistea. Parkearen hedapenerako beharrezkoa da hori. Espazio ireki bat sortuko da mendebaldean, plaza modukoa, trenbidearen alboan. Hori asfaltatua eta garbia izango da (parkeak ez dauka oraindik horrelakorik), eta hirira begira egongo da. Gainera, espazioa lurretik metro bat altxatuko da, eta trenbidearen mailatik oraindik gehiago: ikuspegi onak lortuko dira.
The residences are divided into 7 buildings and distributed in the area. Three of them are inside the actual limits of the park but, as the bordering wall won’t be there anymore, it becomes possible with the expansion of the green area. A small plaza is also created near the train rails, looking at the city, and it will be the open and paved area that the park nowadays misses. That place is elevated 1 meter from its neighbouring grounds and much more from the rails, so the views will never be completely disturbed by the trains.
The residences are divided into 7 buildings and distributed in the area. Three of them are inside the actual limits of the park but, as the bordering wall won’t be there anymore, it becomes possible with the expansion of the green area. A small plaza is also created near the train rails, looking at the city, and it will be the open and paved area that the park nowadays misses. That place is elevated 1 meter from its neighbouring grounds and much more from the rails, so the views will never be completely disturbed by the trains.
Sección A / A ebaketa / A section
Sección B / B ebaketa / B section
crean caminos que se unen a los actuales del parque, para crear un recorrido de
paseo continuo. El acceso a las viviendas es por caminos separados del paseo
principal, más privados, y la entrada a los edificios se alza un metro (controlando
la pequeña pendiente del terreno) para proteger de las vistas las plantas
bajas, con la ayuda de setos convenientemente colocados. Siguiendo la tendencia
del parque, la vegetación es más escasa cuanto más al norte y al oeste vamos,
lo que coincide con la colocación de los edificios. Bajo el suelo se encuentran
los sótanos con aparcamientos, concretamente bajo los edificios, a los que se
accederá por una vía que discurre bajo la calle Mundaiz (la cual se ha adaptado
para reducir la velocidad de tráfico e integrarse mejor en el parque).
Parkearen bideetara lotzen dira sortu berriak diren batzuk, eta paseatzeko ibilbide jarraitua lortzen da. Eraikinetarako sarrerak beste bideetara irekitzen dira, nagusitik banatuta eta pribatuagoak. Sarrera horiek lurretik metro bat altxatzen dira, lurraren malda txikien bidez iristen da horra, eta, horrela, behe oinak nahi ez diren begietatik babesten dira. Arretarekin kokatu diren zuhaixkek ere laguntzen dute. Parkearen izaera mantentzen da, eta iparraldera eta mendebaldera hurbiltzean landaredia eta zuhaitzak murrizten dira tamainan eta kopuruan; eraikinek horri probetxua ateratzen diote eraikitzeko lekua izateko. Lur-azpian aparkaleku-sotoak daude; eraikinen azpian, hain zuzen ere. Mundaiz kalearen azpitik sartzen dira autoak, eraikin guztietarako balio duen lurperatutako bide batetik. Lur mailan, kale hori egokitu da autoen abiadura moteltzeko eta inguruarekin integratzeko.
New routes are created, extending the actual ones, and creating a continuous walk in the park. The entrance routes to the buildings are separated from the main paths, in order to be more private: they are 1 meter higher than the adjacent grounds (this is possible controlling the slope) and bushes are conveniently planted near the buildings, so the interior of the ground floors can’t be seen from outside. The new area continues with the park’s tendency: there is less vegetation at the northeast, so the buildings are situated in places with few threes. Thanks to that, there is no problem to build basements for parking under the residences, which will be connected by an underground road. Consequently, Mundaiz Street will change quite a bit: it will enter in the park for a short time, and the entrance for the parking will be built.
New routes are created, extending the actual ones, and creating a continuous walk in the park. The entrance routes to the buildings are separated from the main paths, in order to be more private: they are 1 meter higher than the adjacent grounds (this is possible controlling the slope) and bushes are conveniently planted near the buildings, so the interior of the ground floors can’t be seen from outside. The new area continues with the park’s tendency: there is less vegetation at the northeast, so the buildings are situated in places with few threes. Thanks to that, there is no problem to build basements for parking under the residences, which will be connected by an underground road. Consequently, Mundaiz Street will change quite a bit: it will enter in the park for a short time, and the entrance for the parking will be built.

Vista de la plaza al oeste, entre la plaza y las vías / Mendebaldeko ibilbidearen ikuspegia, plaza eta trenbide artean
/ View of the walkway at the west, between the main square and the railway
/ View of the walkway at the west, between the main square and the railway
Vista de la entrada a un edificio / Eraikin baten sarreraren ikuspegia / View of an entrance
edificios son poligonales, acercándose en forma a los triángulos, para favorecer
la integración. Las viviendas buscan el sur, por lo que los bloques giran lo
necesario para ello. Además todos ellos tienen un pequeño patio interior y una
abertura hacia el norte (convenientemente protegidas del clima), para iluminar
y ventilar las zonas comunes, y también -un poco- el sótano. La planta baja y
el sótano tienen los espacios de servicios necesarios, y también se deja
espacio en cada planta para unos pequeños trasteros individuales. Por último, a
todos los edificios se les habilita la terraza para su uso común, con pequeños
jardines, que mejoran la integración en el parque.
Eraikinek forma poligonalak dituzte parkean hobeto integratzeko; triangeluetan oinarrituak daude. Bizitegiek hegoaldea bilatzen dute eta, hori dela eta, blokeak biratzen dira norabide horri probetxua ateratzeko. Guztiek barne-patio txikia eta iparraldean irekidura dute (klimatik babesteko behar diren elementuekin): gune komunak eta sotoa (pixka bat, behintzat) aireztatzeko eta argiztatzeko behar dira. Behe oinetan eta sotoetan zerbitzu-espazioak daude, eta solairuetan banakako trasteleku txiki batzuk. Azkenik, edozein eraikinen terrazek edonork erabiltzeko irekitzen dira eta lorategi txikia daukate, parkean hobeto integratzeko.
The buildings are polygonal, and their plan is closer to a triangle than a square, in order to be more integrated in the park. Moreover, every residence faces south, so buildings rotate to make use of the sun rays; consequently, the buildings aren’t distributed regularly. On the other hand, all of them have inner open spaces and the north elevations are opened (although they are protected from the climate), so the stairs and residence entrances are nicely ventilated and illuminated. Moreover, terraces are prepared to enjoy the views of the park and the city. Lastly, the necessary service and technical rooms are mostly placed in the basement and on the ground floors, though private storerooms can be found near the elevators.
The buildings are polygonal, and their plan is closer to a triangle than a square, in order to be more integrated in the park. Moreover, every residence faces south, so buildings rotate to make use of the sun rays; consequently, the buildings aren’t distributed regularly. On the other hand, all of them have inner open spaces and the north elevations are opened (although they are protected from the climate), so the stairs and residence entrances are nicely ventilated and illuminated. Moreover, terraces are prepared to enjoy the views of the park and the city. Lastly, the necessary service and technical rooms are mostly placed in the basement and on the ground floors, though private storerooms can be found near the elevators.
Fachada tipo norte / Iparraldeko fatxada tipoa / Standard north façade
Vista desde el sur: los edificios entre los árboles / Ikuspegia hegoaldetik: eraikinak zuhaitzen artean
/Viewpoint from the south: buildings between many trees
/Viewpoint from the south: buildings between many trees
Vista desde el norte: los edificios entre los árboles / Ikuspegia iparraldetik: eraikinak zuhaitzen artean
/ Viewpoint from the north: buildings between the trees
Vista desde el oeste: la plaza / Ikuspegia mendebaldetik: plaza / Viewpoint from the west: the main square
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