Rehabilitación de un edificio industrial acompañado por un plan parcial del entorno, y un ejemplo de bloque de viviendas
Eraikin industrial baten eraberritzea eta ingurua antolatzen duen plan partziala, etxebizitza-eraikin baten ereduarekin
The restoration of an old industrial building, the partial plan for the surrounding area, and one of the residential buildings
The restoration of an old industrial building, the partial plan for the surrounding area, and one of the residential buildings
Uso principal / Erabilera nagusia / Main use: Viviendas y equipamientos varios / Bizitegiak eta hainbat ekipamendu / Housing and public buildings
Lugar / Tokia / Location: Billabona , Gipuzkoa (Spain)
Año / Urtea / Year: 2010
Colaboradores / Kideak / Co-workers: Jon Lopez
In order to make the best planning, the many circumstances of the south area must be taken into account:
-Both the train and the road at the west make a lot of noise, but not as much as the highway at the east, at the other side of the river.
-The river is at a lower level that the ground, but there is a small distance between them, which is quite steep and it has a lot of vegetation and big trees.
-There is a road at the north of this area (that is, at the south of SACEM), which leads to a bridge that connects with a traffic circle and the national highway.
-Although there are some small industrial buildings at the other riverside, they don’t provide much protection against the noise, and they aren’t very nice to the eye.
el exterior, junto a la entrada principal, está la plaza principal del plan parcial.
Al otro lado se encuentra el edificio para los estudios de los versolaris y su
auditorio, al oeste el acceso a la estación del tren, y al este, enterrada bajo
el estanque, una capilla aconfesional (un espacio de relajación) cerca un nuevo
puente peatonal. Con él se llega al centro del pueblo.
proyecto abarca múltiples escalas: se empieza proyectando en un nivel
urbanístico, y se termina definiendo los edificios más característicos del plan.
Se trabaja en un área de poco más de 100000m2 al suroeste de Billabona,
un pueblo de Guipúzcoa a 20 km de su capital, San Sebastián, en el País Vasco.
Con 5863 habitantes, no es un pueblo de gran envergadura.
Proiektuak hainbat eskala lantzen ditu: hirigintza-mailan hasi, eta planaren eraikin esanguratsuenak definitzen amaitzen da. Billabonaren hego-mendebaldean dagoen gune batean lan egingo da, eta 100000 m2 baino pixka bat gehiago ditu azaleran. Gipuzkoako herri bat da, Donostiatik 20 kilometrora dagoena, eta 5863 biztanle dituena. Ez da oso tamaina handikoa.
This project covers a lot of levels: it starts making plans for urban order, and ends defining the most characteristic building of that planning. The plan covers an area a little bigger than 100000m2 at the southwest of Billabona, a town in Guipuzcoa (Spain), situated at 20 km of San Sebastian, the capital of the province. It has a population of 5863, and it isn’t a very large town.
This project covers a lot of levels: it starts making plans for urban order, and ends defining the most characteristic building of that planning. The plan covers an area a little bigger than 100000m2 at the southwest of Billabona, a town in Guipuzcoa (Spain), situated at 20 km of San Sebastian, the capital of the province. It has a population of 5863, and it isn’t a very large town.
Plano de situación en Villabona / Billabonako kokapen planoa / Location plan of Villabona
río Oria atraviesa el municipio, y la mayoría de las edificaciones están construidas en su orilla este. Hay
pocas parcelas en la orilla oeste, y el área en el que se trabaja es una de
ellas. La diferencia de altura entre el terreno y el nivel del río es
suficiente como para poder construir bastante cerca de él, y, a su vez,
dificulta el poder llegar al agua. Al norte de la parcela se encuentra el
puente que comunica con el pueblo, aunque los planes urbanísticos aprobados por
el ayuntamiento ya contemplaban el construir otro puente más.
Oria ibaiak zeharkatzen du herria, eta eraikuntza gehienak ibaiertzaren ekialdean daude. Eraikitzeko partzela gutxi daude mendebaldean; proiektua horietako batean kokatzen da. Ibaia eta lurraren artean nahiko maila-aldea dago lehenengotik zeharo hurbil eraiki ahal izateko, baina, era berean, zaila egiten du uretara iristea. Partzelaren iparraldean herriarekin lotzen duen zubia dago, baina udaletxeak onartu dituen planek beste bat eraikiko dute.
The Oria River runs across Billabona, and most of its buildings are in the east side, because there is little space left at the west. The grounds for the project are situated at the southwest, and they are some meters higher than the river, so it is possible to build near it, although, at the same time, is difficult to access the water. Only one bridge can be found at the north of the plans area, which allows people to reach the town centre, but some other plan projects (made by the administration) already proposed to build another bridge, connecting centre of the area.
The Oria River runs across Billabona, and most of its buildings are in the east side, because there is little space left at the west. The grounds for the project are situated at the southwest, and they are some meters higher than the river, so it is possible to build near it, although, at the same time, is difficult to access the water. Only one bridge can be found at the north of the plans area, which allows people to reach the town centre, but some other plan projects (made by the administration) already proposed to build another bridge, connecting centre of the area.
Vista desde el sur: al fondo (el norte) está el centro del pueblo
Ikuspegia hegoaldetik: fondoan (iparraldea) ikusten da herriaren zentrua
View from the south: the town can be seen at the back
vías del tren y la carretera nacional son las mayores restricciones del
municipio. El primero limita el oeste de la parcela, y el segundo es una gran
fuente de ruido para la zona sur de la parcela (al otro lado del río hay pocos
edificios que hagan de pantalla). En los planes del ayuntamiento se contempla
una rotonda para la nacional, y el puente
que se construirá junto a ella es una condición del proyecto. Cabe
destacar que una de las rutas del camino de Santiago sigue a la carretera
paralela al tren.
Herriaren muga garrantzitsuenak trenbidea eta errepide nazionala dira. Lehenengoak partzelaren mendebaldea mugatzen du, eta bigarrena soinu-sortzaile nagusia da partzelaren hegoaldean (ibaiaren beste aldean ez daude nahiko eraikin babes-horma izateko). Udaletxearen planen arabera, errotonda bat egingo da nazionala eta herri-barruko errepide nagusia elkartzen direnean, eta hortik zubia aterako da; proiektuarentzat baldintza izango da. Beste kontu bat: trenbidearekiko paralelo Donejakue bidearen ibilbide bat doa.
The train and the national road are the most restrictive elements for the town. The first one runs across the west (it makes it difficult for the town to expand in that side), and the second one makes a lot of noise, especially for the south part of the project (as there aren’t buildings to protect from the noise at the east side of the river). The city council decided to build a new traffic circle for the national highway, and the new bridge (the one mentioned before) would connect that with the grounds for the project. That is one of the requirements, but there are also other relevant elements: one of the Santiago way roads runs parallel to the train.
The train and the national road are the most restrictive elements for the town. The first one runs across the west (it makes it difficult for the town to expand in that side), and the second one makes a lot of noise, especially for the south part of the project (as there aren’t buildings to protect from the noise at the east side of the river). The city council decided to build a new traffic circle for the national highway, and the new bridge (the one mentioned before) would connect that with the grounds for the project. That is one of the requirements, but there are also other relevant elements: one of the Santiago way roads runs parallel to the train.
Plano de la ordenación / Antolamenduaren planoa / Zoning plan
el área del proyecto se encuentra el edificio industrial SACEM. A lo largo de
su historia ha tenido varias ampliaciones y cambios de propietario, y hoy en
día se sigue utilizando. Su rehabilitación es el primer paso de este proyecto,
y será el elemento central del plan parcial. Se le dará un nuevo uso a sus 17000
m2 (en planta), y se trabajarán las áreas que tiene al norte y al
sur. Ambos terrenos son muy planos.
Proiektuaren eremuan SACEM eraikin industriala dago. Bere bizitzan zehar hainbat aldiz handitu da, eta hainbat jabe izan ditu; gaur egun oraindik erabiltzen da. Eraikinaren eraberritzea da proiektuaren hasierako lana, eta plan partzialaren oinarrizko elementua izango da. Erabilera berria izango du (17000 m2 oin-plantan), eta horren iparraldean eta hegoaldean dauden eremuak ere landuko dira. Biak oso lauak dira.
The industrial building “SACEM” is situated near the middle of the project’s area. In all its history, the building has been subject to expansions multiple times, mostly because of changes in property, and, nowadays, it is still being used. The rehabilitation will be the starting point of the project, and the main factor in the partial plan. The building’s 17000 m2 (in the floor plan) will have a new use, and the grounds at the north and at the south will be for public buildings and residential buildings, respectively, as they are quite flat and appropriated to be developed.
The industrial building “SACEM” is situated near the middle of the project’s area. In all its history, the building has been subject to expansions multiple times, mostly because of changes in property, and, nowadays, it is still being used. The rehabilitation will be the starting point of the project, and the main factor in the partial plan. The building’s 17000 m2 (in the floor plan) will have a new use, and the grounds at the north and at the south will be for public buildings and residential buildings, respectively, as they are quite flat and appropriated to be developed.
Sección A: la zona de la residencia / A ebaketa: erresidentziaren gunea / A section: the dormitory for students
Sección B: la plaza junto a la estación del tren
B ebaketa: trebide-geltoki alboko plaza
B section: the open space next to the train station
Sección C: la zona residencial / C ebaketa: etxebizitzen gunea / C section: the housing area
nuevo SACEM será un centro de estudios audiovisuales. Sustituirá al edificio
actual en el que se llevan a cabo estos estudios en Andoain (una localidad
cercana), y se se propone que pase a ser una carrera universitaria. Una nueva parada de tren lo comunicará con el
resto de la provincia. Junto al edificio se construirán viviendas, pabellones
para talleres y laboratorios, varios equipamientos, una capilla, y un albergue/residencia
de estudiantes.
SACEM berria ikasketa audiobisualen zentroa izango da. Gaur egun Andoainen dagoen eraikin zaharra ordezkatuko du, eta ikasketak unibertsitate-mailakoak izatea proposatzen da. Tren-geltoki berriak lurraldearekin komunikatuko du eraikina eta ikasketak. SACEM alboan eraikiko dira etxebizitzak, tailer eta laborategientzako pabilioiak, hainbat ekipamendu, kapera bat, eta ostatu/ikasleentzako erresidentzia bat.
The new SACEM will be an Audio-visual Studies
Centre. It will substitute the one that currently is being used, in Andoain (a
nearby town): it will become bigger, and that will allow the centre to offer
those studies at university level. Moreover, there will be a new train station
in the area, so SACEM will be available to the province. Near the building will
be constructed residences, public buildings, garages, laboratories, relaxing
spaces and a dormitory for students and small lodging building.
Vista desde el oeste: la plaza al norte de SACEM
Ikuspegia mendebaldetik: SACEM iparraldeko plaza
View from the west: the open space north of SACEM
área está dividida en tres partes. La zona norte es la que está mejor
comunicada y, a su vez, es la más estrecha y limitada. La zona central está
ocupada por SACEM. La zona sur es la más amplia y, actualmente, la más aislada.
Un pequeño riachuelo le marca el límite al sur. La solución que se opta para la
ordenación consiste en usar la zona norte para los equipamientos y la
residencia, uniéndolo con la zona central por medio de una plaza, ya que ahí es
donde se encuentra la entrada principal de SACEM. Al sur se construirá la zona
residencial y los pabellones.
Eremua hirutan banatua dago. Iparraldekoa da hobekien komunikatua dagoena, baina, era berean, estuena eta mugatuena da. Erdikoa SACEM-ek betetzen du. Hegoaldekoa handiena da eta, gaur egun, isolatuena. Errekatxo batek mugatzen du hegoaldean. Hau egiten da: iparraldeko gunean erresidentzia eta ekipamenduak egongo dira, eta, SACEM-en sarrera nagusia iparralde horretan dagoenez, plaza nagusiak lotuko ditu bi gune horiek. Hegoaldekoan pabilioiak eta bizitegiak eraikiko dira.
The area is divided into three parts. The one at the north is the best regarding the communication with the town, but, at the same time, it is the smallest. The central one is the area of SACEM. Lastly, the one at the south is the biggest one, but it is more isolated than the others and it is limited by a small stream at its south. Consequently, the urban development will be like this: at the north the public buildings, the student dormitory and the biggest public open space (in front of SACEM), and at the south the residential flats, the garages and the laboratories.
The area is divided into three parts. The one at the north is the best regarding the communication with the town, but, at the same time, it is the smallest. The central one is the area of SACEM. Lastly, the one at the south is the biggest one, but it is more isolated than the others and it is limited by a small stream at its south. Consequently, the urban development will be like this: at the north the public buildings, the student dormitory and the biggest public open space (in front of SACEM), and at the south the residential flats, the garages and the laboratories.
Vista desde el norte. Ce cerca a lejos: la zona de equipamientos, SACEM y la zona residencial
Ikuspegia iparraldetik. Hurbiletik urrunera: ekipamenduen gunea, SACEM eta etxebizitzen gunea
View from the north. From nearer to farthest: are for the public buildings, SACEM and the housing area
View from the north. From nearer to farthest: are for the public buildings, SACEM and the housing area
La zona residencial / Etxebizitzen gunea / The planning of the area for housing
Para definir la ordenación se tienen en cuenta las
condiciones del área al sur:
-El tren y la carretera al oeste generan mucho
-El río está algunos metros más bajo que el
terreno, y además, por unos pocos metros junto a la orilla, hay cierta
pendiente con mucha vegetación y árboles altos.
-Al norte está la carretera que, tras cruzar el
nuevo puente, lleva a la rotonda y a la nacional.
-Cerca de la otra orilla del río hay construidos
varios talleres, y no protegen del ruido de la nacional.
Ordenazioa definitzeko hegoaldeko eremuaren baldintzak kontuan hartu behar dira:
-Mendebaldeko trenbideak eta errepideak zarata asko sortzen dute.
-Ibaia eta gurearen lurraren artean metro batzuk daude, eta, gainera, landareri eta zuhaitz altuak dituen malda handiko tarte bat dago bien artean.
-Iparraldean nazionalera eta errotondara eramaten duen errepidea dago, zubi berria zeharkatu eta gero.
-Ibaiaren beste aldean hainbat tailer daude, eta ez dute nazionalaren zaratatik babesten.
In order to make the best planning, the many circumstances of the south area must be taken into account:
-Both the train and the road at the west make a lot of noise, but not as much as the highway at the east, at the other side of the river.
-The river is at a lower level that the ground, but there is a small distance between them, which is quite steep and it has a lot of vegetation and big trees.
-There is a road at the north of this area (that is, at the south of SACEM), which leads to a bridge that connects with a traffic circle and the national highway.
-Although there are some small industrial buildings at the other riverside, they don’t provide much protection against the noise, and they aren’t very nice to the eye.
Plano de situación de la zona residencial / Etxebizitza-gunearen kokapen planoa / Location plan of the housing area
a ello, en el proyecto se opta por construir los pabellones al oeste, como
barrera contra el ruido. Junto a SACEM se construye una pequeña plaza, rodeada
por un frontón, un pequeño ambulatorio, y una guardería; esa plaza se coronará
con un gran árbol. Por exigencias del proyecto, la densidad de viviendas será
media-baja. Para ello, los edificios serán más grandes cuanto más al norte y al
oeste estén, y se aumentará el parque proporcionalmente.
Hori dela eta, mendebaldean eraikitzen dira tailerrentzako eta laborategientzako pabilioiak, zarataren kontrako babes-horma gisa. SACEM alboan plaza txikia dago, eta frontoiak, anbulatorio txikiak eta haurtzaindegiak inguratzen dute. Plazaren erdiko zuhaitzak antolatzen du dena. Proiektuaren eskakizunak direla eta, bizitegien dentsitatea ertain-baxua da. Horregatik, eraikinak altuagoak eta handiagoak izango dira iparraldera eta mendebaldera hurbiltzean, eta parkea proportzioan handituko da.
In response to some of those circumstances, (light) industrial buildings will be built at the west, near the road, making a wall against noise. Moreover, a paved space will be opened near SACEM, and it will be surrounded by a fronton, a small clinic, and a childcare centre. For the rest of the area, as one of the requirements of the project is that there mustn’t be too many residences, the buildings height will be limited, and they will be smaller at the south (that is, where the town ends); the park which starts at the riverside will take their place.
In response to some of those circumstances, (light) industrial buildings will be built at the west, near the road, making a wall against noise. Moreover, a paved space will be opened near SACEM, and it will be surrounded by a fronton, a small clinic, and a childcare centre. For the rest of the area, as one of the requirements of the project is that there mustn’t be too many residences, the buildings height will be limited, and they will be smaller at the south (that is, where the town ends); the park which starts at the riverside will take their place.
Sección A / A ebaketa / A section
Sección B / B ebaketa / B section
Vista desde el este: la plaza entre SACEM y la zona residencial
Ikuspegia ekialdetik: SACEM eta etxebizitza-gunearen arteko plaza
View from the east: the main square of the residential area, near SACEM
Sección C / C ebaketa / C section
dos tipos de edificios de viviendas, pero todas tienen una misma característica
común: buscan tener una fachada al sur. Esto condiciona la ordenación. Además,
ya que el río tiene gran presencia, la cual no se quiere eliminar, se trabajará
el parque y la vegetación. De esta manera, se utilizan dos tipos de edificios: los
de planta en C con patios interiores abiertos, y los bloques rectangulares que
entran en el parque.
Bi etxebizitza-eraikin mota daude, baina guztiek daukate fatxada bat hegoaldera begira. Eta horrek antolamendua baldintzatzen du. Ibaiak garrantzi handia dauka inguruan; izaera hori mantendu nahi da eta, ondorioz, parkea landuko da ibaiaren aldean. Bi faktore horiek kontuan izanda, bi bizitegi mota sortzen dira: C eraikinak barne-patio irekiekin, eta parkean sartzen diren bloke laukizuzenak.
There are two kinds of flats, but both have one characteristic in common: they look for the sun rays by having their main façade at the south. On another note, as the river has a strong presence, the park at the riverside is carefully planned: vegetation will be bigger near the water, and it will gradually disappear as it mixes with the buildings. That’s why there are two kinds of buildings: the C types, which organize the area, and the rectangular flats, which enter in the park.
There are two kinds of flats, but both have one characteristic in common: they look for the sun rays by having their main façade at the south. On another note, as the river has a strong presence, the park at the riverside is carefully planned: vegetation will be bigger near the water, and it will gradually disappear as it mixes with the buildings. That’s why there are two kinds of buildings: the C types, which organize the area, and the rectangular flats, which enter in the park.
Vista baja desde el sur / Hegoaldetik ikuspegi beheratua / View from the south
Vista de la plaza y el frontón
Plazaren eta frontoiaren ikuspegia
View of the fronton and the main square of the residential area
El paseo al borde del río / Ibai alboko pasealekua / The walkway near the river
edificios en C tienen viviendas de dos fachadas opuestas, con dos puertas por
piso y portal. Tienen comercio en la planta baja sólo junto a los cruces de las calles más al
oeste, y, además, zonas abiertas en el brazo central de la C para mejorar la
comunicación peatonal. En el interior de las C se separa lo público de lo
privado por medio de jardines. El acceso a los garajes es por medio de una vía
subterránea común a varios edificios, por debajo de la carretera más al este.
C oin-plantako eraikinek aurkako bi fatxadako pisuak dituzte, eta atalondo eta solairu bakoitzeko bi ate. Behe-oinak etxebizitzak dira, salbuespen batekin: mendebaldeko kaleen gurutzaduren alboan. Gainera, C formaren erdian, behe-oina irekia da komunikazioa hobetzeko. Barne-patioaren barruko aldean lorategitxoak baliatzen dira pribatua eta publikoa banatzeko. Sotoko garajeetara sartzen da lurrazpiko bide batetik; hori ekialdeko errepidearen azpitik doa, eta hainbat eraikinetara sartzeko balio du.
The C building’s homes have two opposing fronts, and there are two homes in each floor and number. There are also residences at the ground floors, excluding the places near crossroads at the west, where shops can be found, and at the middle of the Cs, where passages are opened for pedestrians. That way, the gardens at the centre of the Cs are more accessible. In regards to the entrances to the basement (for parking), there is an underground road under the road at the east.
The C building’s homes have two opposing fronts, and there are two homes in each floor and number. There are also residences at the ground floors, excluding the places near crossroads at the west, where shops can be found, and at the middle of the Cs, where passages are opened for pedestrians. That way, the gardens at the centre of the Cs are more accessible. In regards to the entrances to the basement (for parking), there is an underground road under the road at the east.
Vista de la plaza desde el este / Plazaren ikuspegia ekialdetik / View of the main square of the residential area from the east
Vista de la calle entre edificios / Etxebizitzen arteko kalearen ikuspegia / View of the street between buildings
Vista de una plaza interior / Barruko plaza baten ikuspegia / View of the open space surrounded by a building
bloques que entran en el parque no son de altura constante. Todos ellos tienen
viviendas en la planta baja, dos plantas “tipo”, una planta con jardín en la
terraza, y la última con terraza de baldosas. Las dos últimas van acortando el
largo, y la planta baja es más corta que la primera (con la ayuda de unas
potentes vigas); de esta manera, los edificios consiguen su aspecto
característico, como si se deshicieran al entrar en el parque.
Parkean sartzen diren blokeek ez dute altuera konstantea. Guztiek etxebizitzak dituzte behe-oinetan, bi oin-planta tipo, lorategi-terraza duen solairu bat, eta azkenekoa baldosako terrazarekin. Azkeneko biak geroz eta motzagoak dira, eta behe-oina lehenengoa baino motzagoa da (habe indartsu batzuen laguntzari esker); horrela, eraikinek lortzen dute itxura esanguratsua, parkean sartzean desagertzen hasiko balira.
The rectangular flats that enter in the park don’t have always the same height, they are organized this way (from bottom to top): residences in the ground floor, two “standard” floors, a floor with a communal garden in it, and the last one with a paved communal terrace. The last two and the ground floor are shorter that the rest, thanks to strong beams; this way, the building loses body when it enters the park, and gets its own characteristic aspect.
The rectangular flats that enter in the park don’t have always the same height, they are organized this way (from bottom to top): residences in the ground floor, two “standard” floors, a floor with a communal garden in it, and the last one with a paved communal terrace. The last two and the ground floor are shorter that the rest, thanks to strong beams; this way, the building loses body when it enters the park, and gets its own characteristic aspect.
Behe oin-planta eta ingurua / Planta inferior y entorno / The ground floor and the surroundings
Fachada sur D / D hegoaldeko fatxada / D south façade
Vista desde el parque / Ikuspegia parkeatik / View from the park
Planta tipo y planta terraza / Oin-planta tipoa eta terraza duena / Standard floor and floor with terrace
lo que respecta a la construcción, sólo hay unas pocas características que
diferencian al edificio tipo de las viviendas comunes de hoy en día. Para
empezar, se refuerzan las vigas y se adaptan las columnas a la dirección principal de los esfuerzos.
Así, con la ayuda de forjados reticulares, los pilares son más independientes,
consiguiendo más opciones para las plantas. Por otro lado, las fachadas están
recubiertas por paneles de láminas, en bandas horizontales moduladas. De esta
manera, se marca la horizontalidad; más si se tiene en cuenta que las contraventanas
son paneles de láminas más separadas, para el control solar. Por último, los
únicos elementos que destacan en la fachada son los paneles de hormigón que
protegen, tapan y sostienen las terrazas.
Eraikuntzari dagokionez, ezaugarri gutxi batzuk desberdintzen dituzte proiektuaren etxebizitza-eraikinak gaur eguneko ohikoetatik. Alde batetik, habeak indartzen dira eta zutabeak egokitzen dira esfortzuen norabide nagusiari. Horri eta forjatu erretikularren laguntzari esker, zutabeak kokapen libreagoa dute oin-plantan. Bestetik, laminazko panelekin estaltzen dira fatxadak, banda horizontal modulatuekin. Horrek horizontaltasuna nabarmentzen du, batez ere jakinda leihoak ere estaltzen direla panelekin (eguzkia kontrolatzeko laminak tarte handiagoak dituzte eta mugitu daitezke lekuz). Azkenik, fatxadetan nabarmentzen diren elementu bakarrak hauek dira: terrazak eusten, babesten eta estaltzen dituzten hormigoizko panelak.
Regarding to the construction, there are only a few differences with the usual flats. The most important one is that beams are stronger and the floor is a reticular one, so the columns are quite free, and it becomes possible to have different kinds of homes inside the buildings. Another difference is that the façades are covered with panels making different and modulated horizontal lines. Moreover, as shutters are another type of panel (designed to help protecting from the sun), the horizontality of the building is underlined. Nevertheless, in the south façade the balconies are supported by concrete panels, making the front views more irregular and interesting.
Regarding to the construction, there are only a few differences with the usual flats. The most important one is that beams are stronger and the floor is a reticular one, so the columns are quite free, and it becomes possible to have different kinds of homes inside the buildings. Another difference is that the façades are covered with panels making different and modulated horizontal lines. Moreover, as shutters are another type of panel (designed to help protecting from the sun), the horizontality of the building is underlined. Nevertheless, in the south façade the balconies are supported by concrete panels, making the front views more irregular and interesting.
Fachada norte E / E iparraldeko fatxada / E north façade
Fachada este F / F ekialdeko fatxada / F east façade
Sección G / G ebaketa / G section
Rehabilitación del edificio industrial SACEM / SACEM eraikin industrialaren eraberritzea / Rehabilitation of the industrial building SACEM
El estado original de SACEM era un pabellón con su
entrada (la zona con pórtico y la parte oeste). Con el tiempo creció, y se le
añadió el pabellón del este, las dos plantas de oficinas junto a la entrada y
los dos pabellones alargados del sur. Se conservarán todos ellos, excepto el
pabellón más al sur y algunos elementos añadidos de menor envergadura. De esta
manera, se abre sitio para la carretera que conectará con la rotonda por medio
del puente, y se crea una fachada nueva en el sur.
Hasieran SACEM zen pabilioi bat eta sarrera gunea (mendebaldeko atala eta portikoa duen sarrera). Denborarekin hazi zen: ekialdeko pabilioia gehitu zen, gero sarera alboko bulegoentzako bi solairuak, eta azkenik hegoaldeko bi pabilioi luzeak. Proiektuak guztiak mantenduko ditu, hegoaldeko azkenekoa eta tamaina txikiagoko elementu batzuk izan ezik. Horrela, zubiko errepidearentzat lekua dago, eta hegoaldean fatxada berria egiten da.
At first, SACEM was an isolated pavilion (the one at the west) with a remarkable entrance (the big porch). It became bigger years later: another pavilion at the east separated by an open space, two stories of offices at the north, and two long pavilions at the south. After the rehabilitation everyone will be maintained, except the last one at the south and some minor extensions. This way, there will be enough space to build the road that connects this area with the traffic circle and, moreover, a new façade will be built, to represent the new use.
At first, SACEM was an isolated pavilion (the one at the west) with a remarkable entrance (the big porch). It became bigger years later: another pavilion at the east separated by an open space, two stories of offices at the north, and two long pavilions at the south. After the rehabilitation everyone will be maintained, except the last one at the south and some minor extensions. This way, there will be enough space to build the road that connects this area with the traffic circle and, moreover, a new façade will be built, to represent the new use.
Planta baja y el entorno / Beheko oin-planta eta ingurua / The ground floor and the surroundings
es el programa con el que se soluciona el centro de estudios audiovisuales:
salas de grabación de imagen, salas de grabación de audio, aulas para
conferencias, aulas informáticas, oficinas (para alumnos, profesores y la administración),
zona de cafetería, sala de proyección, pequeña biblioteca, y los servicios
Ikasketa audiobisualen zentroak programa hau dauka: irudiak grabatzeko espazioak, audioa grabatzeko gelak, hitzaldietarako gelak, informatika-gelak, bulegoak (ikasle, irakasle eta administrazioarentzat), kafetegi gunea, proiekzio gela, liburutegi txikia eta beharrezkoak diren zerbitzuak.
These are the different spaces for the Audio-visual Centre: rooms for recording (for sound and for images), conference rooms, computer rooms, offices (for administration, the teachers and the students), a café, a small library, rooms for examining movies, and all the service rooms.
These are the different spaces for the Audio-visual Centre: rooms for recording (for sound and for images), conference rooms, computer rooms, offices (for administration, the teachers and the students), a café, a small library, rooms for examining movies, and all the service rooms.
Sección A / A ebaketa / A section
Vista del exterior desde el noreste / Kanpoko ikuspegia ipar-ekialdetik / View from the north-east
Kanpoko aldean, sarrera alboan dago plan partzialaren plaza nagusia. Beste aldean (iparraldera) eraikitzen dira bertsoen ikerketarako zentroa eta bere auditorioa, mendebaldean tren-geltokirako sarrera, eta ekialdean kapera akonfesionala (lasaitasunerako tokia, lurperatua urmaeltxoaren azpian) eta oinezkoentzako zubia. Azken horri esker azkarrago iristen da herrira.
The biggest open space of the partial plan is outside SACEM, near the main entrance, at the north. At the other side of the space one can find the Centre for the Study for the “Bertsolariak” and it’s auditory, at the west the train station. At the east there is a space for relax, under a small pond and near a bridge for pedestrians, which lets you reach the centre of the town.
The biggest open space of the partial plan is outside SACEM, near the main entrance, at the north. At the other side of the space one can find the Centre for the Study for the “Bertsolariak” and it’s auditory, at the west the train station. At the east there is a space for relax, under a small pond and near a bridge for pedestrians, which lets you reach the centre of the town.
Vista de la plaza en la entrada al norte
Iparraldeko sarrerako plazaren ikuspegia
View of the entrance and open space at the north
Iparraldeko sarrerako plazaren ikuspegia
View of the entrance and open space at the north
programa se distribuye de manera lógica: la grabación visual en el pabellón
principal (por su altura y luminosidad), las aulas y grabación de audio en el
pabellón del este (por su superficie, proporción, menor altura e iluminación
cenital), las oficinas principales en la zona norte (apropiado por sus dos
plantas y por tener el acceso principal), la zona de cafetería aprovechando el
patio interior, y el resto en el pabellón sur (por sus características, el que
mejor se adapta a varias situaciones a la vez).
Programa modu logikoan banatzen da: irudien grabazioa pabilioi nagusian (mendebaldekoa, bere altuera eta argitasunagatik), ikasketa eta audio-grabazio gelak ekialdeko pabilioian (bere azalera, proportzio, altuera murritzago eta sabaiko argiztapenari esker), bulego nagusiak iparraldeko gunean (sarrera nagusitik hurbil egoteagatik eta bi solairu izateagatik egokiena da), kafetegi gunea barruko patioan, eta programaren beste atalak hegoaldeko pabilioian (bere ezaugarriei esker egokiena da hainbat egoeretara egokitzeko).
The different spaces are distributed following logic: the area for recordings will be the main pavilion (it has good height and illumination), the rooms for sound recordings and for teaching can be found in the pavilion at the east (because of its lower height, smaller proportions and good illumination from above), the offices in the north two-story building (the interior needs to be adapted), the café will be near the open space in the middle (so it can be used by the “clients”), and the rest in the pavilion at the south ( as it can be easily adapted).
The different spaces are distributed following logic: the area for recordings will be the main pavilion (it has good height and illumination), the rooms for sound recordings and for teaching can be found in the pavilion at the east (because of its lower height, smaller proportions and good illumination from above), the offices in the north two-story building (the interior needs to be adapted), the café will be near the open space in the middle (so it can be used by the “clients”), and the rest in the pavilion at the south ( as it can be easily adapted).
Zona de grabaciones: sección y planta baja
Grabazioen gunea: ebaketa eta beheko oin-planta
Recording area: section and ground floor
Grabazioen gunea: ebaketa eta beheko oin-planta
Recording area: section and ground floor
Zona de aulas: sección y planta baja
Ikasgelen gunea: ebaketa eta beheko oin-planta
Classroom and sound recording area: section and ground floor
Ikasgelen gunea: ebaketa eta beheko oin-planta
Classroom and sound recording area: section and ground floor
Vista desde el centro del patio hacia el sur
Patioaren ikuspegia erditik hegoaldera
View from the open space in the midle to the south
busca respetar la identidad de SACEM, y convertir la “fábrica industrial” en
“fábrica de audiovisuales”. Para ello se mantiene -en la medida de lo posible-
el edificio como es, salvo lo necesario
para el funcionamiento, y los añadidos que sean necesarios:
-En el pabellón principal (el del oeste) se
aprovechan los pilares para crear varios espacios de grabación, separados por
gruesos grupos de cortinas (soportadas por las vigas que antes soportaban la
maquinaria). Así se mantiene todo como un espacio único que se puede dividir.
-En la entrada principal (la del pórtico) se crea
una segunda planta, que se unirá con la zona de oficinas adyacente. Para ello
se crea un nuevo trozo, pero manteniendo la proporción del trozo de edificio de
las oficinas. El interior se adapta al nuevo tipo de uso, y para ello renueva
el forjado.
-El pabellón del este se divide en muchos
sub-espacios con tabiques de gran aislamiento acústico. Siempre se sigue la
modulación de los lucernarios, tanto para las aulas como para los pasillos.
También se crean algunos patios, para mejorar la ventilación de las aulas
-El pabellón sur se adecúa más que los demás: la
sala de proyección vacía un área, y los servicios para los alumnos que se
colocan en la zona más al sur crean una segunda planta, aprovechada por la
biblioteca. Además, al ser nueva la fachada, se aprovecha para crear aberturas
para la iluminación que antes no habían. Eso sí, se mantiene el carácter de
espacio largo y de altura que caracteriza a este pabellón.
SACEM-en izaera mantendu nahi da, eta “fabrika industriala” bihurtu “audiobisualen fabrika”. Horretarako, ahal den mailan, eraikina mantenduko da orain den moduan, salbuespen gutxi batzuekin: erabilera berriarentzat aldaketak eta gehigarriak behar dira.
-Pabilioi nagusian (mendebaldekoa) zutabeak erabiliko dira grabaziorako hainbat espazio antolatzeko, gortina lodiko taldeekin banatzen direnak (lehen makinak eusten zituzten habeek eutsiko dituzte taldeak). Horrela, pabilioi osoa mantenduko da “banatu daitekeen espazio bakarra” gisa.
-Sarrera nagusian (portikoarena) bigarren solairu bat eraikitzen da, alboko bulego gunearekin lotuko dena. Elementu berria behar da horretarako, eta bulego eraikinaren proportzio bera izango du. Azken horretan, barruan, forjatu berria egiten da erabilera berrira egokitzeko.
-Ekialdeko pabilioia espazio txiki askotan banatzen da, zarataz isolatzen duten tabikeekin. Sabaileihoen modulazioa erabiltzen da gelak eta pasabideak antolatzeko. Gainera, patio batzuk irekitzen dira, barruko gelen aireztapena hobetzeko.
-Hegoaldeko pabilioia da gehien egokitzen dena: proiekziorako aretoak gune bat husten du, eta hegoaldeko ikasleentzako zerbitzuek bigarren solairu bat sortzen dute, liburutegitxoak erabiltzen duena. Gainera, fatxada berria behar da, eta, horri esker, argiztatzeko irekidurak egin ahal izan dira. Guzti hori, pabilioiaren izaera galdu gabe: espazio luze eta altua.
SACEM was and will always be an industrial building: instead of being a fabric, it will be part of the audio-visual industry. That is why the building will not suffer big changes, neither in the structure nor in the aspect. . Nevertheless, small changes are needed to ensure its functionality as an Audio-visual Studies Centre:
-In the pavilion at the west, the columns are used to distribute the space: between them thick curtains are hung (with the beams that used to held the machinery), so, with the help of glass walls, different kinds of spaces can be prepared for the recordings. When the curtains are not closed, the pavilion can be seen as an enormous space.
-A second floor will be built in the main entrance (the one with the porch), and it will connect with the office area. Because of that, part of the office building has to be remade, and it will be similar to the old one. Also, a new floor will be built in the entrance area.
-The pavilion at the east is divided into lots of small spaces with the use of light partitions, which also made the rooms quite soundproof (it is very useful for classes and recordings). Everything will follow the modulation of the ceiling windows, to make the best use of the sunlight. Moreover, some spaces will be small gardens, with their ceilings opened, to improve the ventilation.
-The pavilion at the south is the one who changes the most: a part of it is enclosed to make the big conference room, the services for the students are situated at the south in two floors and the area for the library is closed to not let sound enter. Moreover, as the façade of this pavilion is new, the windows will be carefully situated to get adequate illumination. Nevertheless, this part of SACEM will still be seen as a long and tall area.
SACEM was and will always be an industrial building: instead of being a fabric, it will be part of the audio-visual industry. That is why the building will not suffer big changes, neither in the structure nor in the aspect. . Nevertheless, small changes are needed to ensure its functionality as an Audio-visual Studies Centre:
-In the pavilion at the west, the columns are used to distribute the space: between them thick curtains are hung (with the beams that used to held the machinery), so, with the help of glass walls, different kinds of spaces can be prepared for the recordings. When the curtains are not closed, the pavilion can be seen as an enormous space.
-A second floor will be built in the main entrance (the one with the porch), and it will connect with the office area. Because of that, part of the office building has to be remade, and it will be similar to the old one. Also, a new floor will be built in the entrance area.
-The pavilion at the east is divided into lots of small spaces with the use of light partitions, which also made the rooms quite soundproof (it is very useful for classes and recordings). Everything will follow the modulation of the ceiling windows, to make the best use of the sunlight. Moreover, some spaces will be small gardens, with their ceilings opened, to improve the ventilation.
-The pavilion at the south is the one who changes the most: a part of it is enclosed to make the big conference room, the services for the students are situated at the south in two floors and the area for the library is closed to not let sound enter. Moreover, as the façade of this pavilion is new, the windows will be carefully situated to get adequate illumination. Nevertheless, this part of SACEM will still be seen as a long and tall area.
Vista interior de la zona de grabaciones / Grabazio-gunearen barruko ikuspegia / View of the recording area
Vista interior de la zona de aulas / Ikasgela-gunearen barruko ikuspegia / View of the classroom area
Vista de la zona de la biblioteca, desde la planta superior
Liburutegi-gunearen bista, goiko mailatik
View of the library area, from the upper floor
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